
The Inside of the Outside of the Inside, Nina Annabelle Märkl

Drawings and Etchings

Work in progress, Wittenberg, Germany, August 2020

During my time at the “Cranach Stipendium”, as residency artist in Wittenberg this summer, I worked on two projects: The “Two Sides” project, which I showed in my last post and a project, in which referred to the place I stayed at: A residency stipend experience always contains a mixture of different dimensions.

The first dimension is the reflection of the things I take with me, as a starting point and an inner concept – it’s the own world inside.

The second dimension is what I find. There can be preparation through research, but the original encounter is something absolutely different. It requires awareness – it’s the world outside.

The third dimension could be described as a synthesis between the inside and the outside, the space which is created out of the things I brought and the things I found. It is a new space of perception opening up and each of these new spaces is unique and precious.

The work I developed is a work about this connection of different spheres. It consists of a series of drawings and prints and an installation part.

Folds and sketches, preparation for the etchings and drawings, 2020
Prints based on etchings, each plate 30 x 21 cm, 2020

The drawings:

  1. In March and in April I drew different grids with pencil on paper. I always filled the whole sheet of paper. I guess this was also to some part lockdown meditation.
  2. In August I translated the grid of the floor at the residency place, the former studio of Lucas Cranach, through drawings and folds into a spatial structure. The studio is the place in which the transformation process of an artwork take place. I decided to work with the ephemeral structures of the floor and translate them into possible spaces, somehow to give shape to the invisible components of the material space I physically moved in.
  3. I transferred that spatial structure onto the grids. In a third step I combined both layers with drawings of abstract sculptural constellations which I drew and photographed during my walks in Wittenberg: Coincidental findings, drapery, fragmented things which unintendedly looked like parts of installations.
Drawings: Ink, pencil and needle stitches on paper, each 70 x 50 cm, 2020
Drawings: Ink, pencil and needle stitches on paper, each 70 x 50 cm, 2020

The Print – Drawing – Installation:

  1. I made etchings from the spatial drawings described above.
  2. I combined them with drawings of sculptural findings.
  3. I perforated the paper and added an irregular grid made of spring steel and magnets.
Etching, drawing, spring steel and magnets, 70 x 100 x 5 cm, 2020
Etching, drawing, spring steel and magnets, 70 x 100 x 5 cm, 2020
Etching, drawing, spring steel and magnets, 70 x 100 x 5 cm, 2020
Etching, drawing, spring steel and magnets, 70 x 100 x 5 cm, 2020
Etching and Drawing, Detail, 2020
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    Ilia Bouslakov


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