
…And so, Peace became the enemy of Freedom – Nanda Raemansky

Assembly with materials related to the lockdown

The lockdown has a great deal of influence on our personal freedom for our safety as they say. Safety is considered to be an important part of peace. In order to create peace and thus safety, humanity chooses to apply bounderies.

Detail from the Installation …And so, Peace became the enemy of Freedom

I have been working on this theme before, in 2017 when I was studying mixed media/monumental arts, at the art academy in Ghent (BE).Because of the similarity of that project I would like to share it here with you.

From the installation: ‘…And so, Peace became the enemy of Freedom.’

We got the assignment to create a pop-up art manifestation, that would be applicable in any situation.

I decided to create an installation, that would allow the spectator to experience the friction, that is caused by the difficult balance between freedom and peace.

Me building the installation during the pop-up event at Loos-en-Gohelle (FR) in march 2017.

During the pop-up event that followed, I wanted to add a somewhat improvised performance inside the installation, based on the same concept.

Charlotte Gruber while performing. I should note, that the costume she was wearing, the female figure on wheels and the performance she did are of her own creation.

For the performance, I collaborated with the actress Charlotte Gruber (DE). The performance was filmed by Tessa Moses (IN). There was no storyboard, only the concept and the installation as stage.

Charlotte Gruber and me consulting each other on the approach. Her role was Freedom mine Peace.

With all the footage I went back to my studio and created the art video ‘…And so, Peace became the enemy of Freedom’. You can view the video here:

Detail from the Installation …And so, Peace became the enemy of Freedom.

Raemansky 2020 ©

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    Anastasia Patsey

    Hi, Nanda!
    Interesting how today’s events make us remember and rethink projects from the past. I really liked this installation with the forms and movements created naturally and randomly. Also feels like a labyrinth.

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      Hello Anastasia,
      Thank you for your comment. It does look like something of a maze, although it wasn’t so big that you could get lost in it. But when you walked inside, with the wind blowing through the sheets and the light being filtered, it is almost a hypnotising experience.
      Last year I presented this installation (without the performance) for the Kinderkunstweek. This is an annual art event here in Zeeland (my county) specially for children, to allow them to get acquainted with art. They really liked it. I even won the ‘Gouden Paletje’award with it, although the topic wasn’t exactly what I would call childproof. But I figured that the best way for children to experience art would be through a fysical encounter and that in the end for children the deeper background doesn’t really matter yet.
      -> This is what it looked like with the children running through 🙂
      I also made this installation one time in a dark and cramped indoor space, with ventilators to replace the wind whilst projecting the film inside. It really felt uncomfortable and confronting, as if there was not enough air inside. Here the sense freedom had definitely been lost. I’m afraid I have no video of this one to show, but it surely was also an interesting way of displaying this installation. And striking how it completely changed the atmosphere of the artwork.

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