World connections- Andrea Ahuactzin Pintos

In this post I’ll be talking about one of the latest projects I have worked on. This installation consists on an analysis I did about our globalized world, in which I had a particular interest on how people have a connection with different countries. The way that I made this analysis was by getting people from different countries like Mexico, Italy, Russia, Belarus, Armenia, England, Kazakhstan and  Canada to answer some questions. 

The questions were the following: From which countries do you know people? How do you relate with them? (Work, studies, friends, partner, language exchange, etc.) and how did you meet them? these three questions helped me see in which way I could create this installation.

From the 13 people that took part of my survey I got 42 different countries, and most of them met through the Internet looking for a language and cultural exchange, in other cases it was because of holidays, work and studies in a foreign country.

The way I made the connections was through the use of the string. These strings connect to different points within the space, each point representing a different country. Some of the countries that can be found in this space are:

  • Argentina, Brazil, China, Colombia, Denmark, Ethiopia, England, France, Germany, Indonesia, Kazakhstan, Lithuania, Mexico, Pakistan, Russia, Spain, Turkey, United States of America, Wales

One important element in this installation is the light, the reason why I took the decision of putting it in the middle is because it helps as a parting point. The light draws the attention of the eye to the main points which are the names of the 13 people that helped me. That works as a reference to see how from those points the string travels through the space to the countries and generate the different connections. There can also be found two smaller lights that represent how they met those people, one meaning that they met through the Internet for language and cultural exchange and the other one meaning that they met through work, trips or studies.

For me is really important to see how the spectator navigates through the space to see these different connections within countries, or to see what countries these people have in common. There are many ways to see the different points in the space, at end it consists on seeing how there is this imaginary web connecting us all over the world and how we navigate through that web.


I would also like to share some pictures of my notes, as I think is an important part of the installation to understand a bit more of my creative process.

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    Kate Finkelstein

    Dear Andrea, thank you for sharing your experience with this installation. I also work with the topic of how we feel in this global world – The Global Identity. It was interesting for me to see how explore this aria. Also it’s something awakening to bring invisible connections into visualization in the real space.

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      Andrea Ahuactzin Pintos

      Thank you so much for your comment Kate! I’m glad you liked it! I was able to check some of your works and I found really interesting “chronicles of zeroing” and the explorations you did with global and individual processes. I’m really happy to have met you here and learn about your artistic practice!

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    Olga Popova

    I find your work very exiting in terms of interaction with the space. Maybe it is something that is written in your notes, but I think I missed it. How do you decide on the color of the light? I also find it important that you don’t do the work for the audience in that you don’t highlight the intersections between the threads.

    1. Andrea Ahuactzin Pintos

      Thank you so much for your comment Olga! I actually didn’t specify that part, but it’s a really good question.So the reason why I chose that color, is because I feel it brings a type of warmness to the open dark space. I didn’t want to use a really strong color as it was going to give the space a different meaning to what I was looking for and draw the attention away from the importance of the strings and the connections. The light is more of a medium to take the attention of the eye to the origins of the connections.
      I hope that answers your question, and it’s nice to have met you here!

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