
Eliane Velozo – My Project/Meu Projeto

Hello all,

I am Eliane Velozo. I am na artist- photographer living in Belo Horizonte. Brazil.

I am mostly interested in society, nature and what politics afects all and  everyohe… howt political and aconnomical power works in a leoliberal world and what is left to humanity.

This situation is very hard on me, specially because I am concerned with the poor people, the black people, the native people all over, because they are, always, the ones the get the worst part of the bad things generated by economical power.

To know more about my works, please go to:

My project: Diving
To be able to  understand the current humanitarian crisis, it is necessary to relate it, essentially to the ways of life developed by the human being: the exploitation, without limits, of man by man, and of Mother Earth’s resources, by man.

The animal-human-been‘s thirst for power and financial profits leads him to respect no one, not to respect anything that is part of the ecological and social system in which he is inserted.

At this time, isolation from social life is necessary to maintain the survival of the human race, facing a virus that threatens populations in all countries.

With the right to come and go curtailed, I have my less than 100m² as space for locomotion and carrying out this work that I develop through SPAR’s Virtual Artistic Residence, which makes it available on the world wide web.

 I am based on the local and global socio-political context, and, as if I were an archaeologist, I dig inside myself and revisit my photographic archive, my memories of lived places, and establish relationships with small objects and residues of experiences, which are stored somewhere in my brain, in my heart and / or in my home.



Para compreender a atual crise humanitária faz-se necessário relacioná-la, essencialmente aos modos de vida desenvolvidos pelo ser humano: exploração, sem limites, do homem pelo homem, e dos recursos da Mãe Terra, pelo homem.

A sede de poder e lucros financeiros do bicho-ser-humano leva-o a não respeitar ninguém, não respeitar nada que faz parte do sistema ecológico e social no qual ele próprio está inserido.

Neste momento, o isolamento do convívio social, faz-se necessário para manter a sobrevida da raça humana, enfrentando um vírus que ameaça as populações de todos os países.

Com o direito de ir e vir cerceado, tenho meus menos de 100m² como espaço de locomoção e de realização deste trabalho que desenvolvo através da Residência Artística Virtual da SPAR, que o disponibiliza na rede mundial de computadores.

 Baseio-me no contexto sócio-político local e mundial, e, como se fosse arqueóloga, escavo dentro de mim mesma e através da revisitação de meu acervo fotográfico, de minhas memórias de lugares vividos, e estabeleço relações com pequenos objetos e resíduos de vivências, que estão guardados, em algum lugar em meu cérebro, em meu coração e/ou na minha casa.

  1. Avatar photo
    Anastasia Patsey

    Dear Eliane,
    We’re very glad that you joined the virtual studio and looking forward to your posts! Are you going to work with your home archive?
    And how is the situation on your side? Are you allowed to go out for groceries? Are you getting any help?
    I’d love to see some images of your surrounding at the moment and the objects that you select for your work.


  2. Prof. Marcos Melo

    Maravilhoso trabalho- com certeza será fonte de referência para outros trabalhos.

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Virtual residents