URBAN ASPECTS / Quarantine – 9, Iara Abreu

9– RETURN: Movement and wait at the airports / RETORNO: Movimento e espera nos aeroportos


In this period of Pandemic people return involuntarily, to their country of origin and citizenship, not by political imposition, but because of an invisible enemy, harmful, unpredictable, that destabilized everything and everyone.

Nothing is all bad… I think Covid-19 makes us reflect things like, return to the homeland and return to the origins as a rescue of what was left behind, what we want and what we really need.


Nesse período de Pandemia as pessoas retornam involuntariamente, ao seu país de origem e cidadania, não por imposição política, mas sim por causa de um inimigo invisível, nocivo, imprevisível, que desestabilizou tudo e todos.

Nada é de todo ruim… penso que o Covid-19 nos faça refletir coisas como, retorno à pátria e retorno às origens como resgate do que ficou para trás, o que queremos e do que realmente precisamos.




  1. Cynthia

    I really enjoy the sensibility and humour you show in your work. Thank you

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      Iara Abreu

      Thank you Cynthia. I think it’s important to have humour even in difficult times.

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