The Crowning of Corona Virus. Aba Lluch Dalena

ABA LLUCH DALENA’s depiction of the 2020 pandemic and the politics of the times. Drawn for an opinion piece written by her…


Star Trauth-Artist I work solely in abstraction because whatever already exists is probably the most perfect form of itself. I have no…

Slowly Emerging

Star Trauth-Artist During treatment, which left me bedridden and in need of a wheelchair, I continued to work. It was on a…

Music as Inspiration

Star Trauth-Artist I am often asked which artists inspire me. While there are visual artists that delight my eyes, music is a…


Star Trauth-Artist I began making paper and the ensuing art work when I was unable to use a blow torch for my…

Soft Sculpture

Star Trauth-Artist My soft sculpture explores how much the material can take before it burns to nothing. It starts as waste paper…

Mixed Media

Star Trauth—Artist Mixed Media was where I really started to experiment in making my own media and marrying it with other objects…


Star Trauth-Artist My cylindrical tapestry, Totems, are created using fiber and marrying them with unconventional materials. My vision is a departure from…

Illness and I’m Sorries

Star Trauth-Artist Through all my trials and weird experiences I’d never expected to get the call from a doctor saying I had…

Making Herstory

Star Trauth-Artist Timing is weird for me or maybe it isn’t but things seem to happen when I least expect. I would…