Introducing the SPAR Team: Katelyn Albrecht

Hello! I’m excited to join the SPAR team from Ann Arbor, USA! I just graduated from the University of Michigan with a…

Introducing the SPAR Team: Olivia Evans

Hello everyone! I’m Olivia, an intern for SPAR this season! I am just joining the team virtually from Ann Arbor, Michigan in…

Virtual SPAR featured in Res Artis case study

During the pandemic that led to a serious crisis in the field of art residencies the global network Res Artis is doing…


Virtual SPAR Virtual SPAR launched in St. Petersburg, Russia in March 2020 is a self developing collective documentation of art production during…

Introducing the SPAR team: Liza Ordinartceva

Hello everyone! So I’m taking over the initiative after Anastasia in introducing our small SPAR team, and here I am (to be…

Introducing the SPAR team: Nazar Niazmetov

My name is Nazar, I am the coordinator and the hospitality manager of SPAR. For several years I have been helping residents…