Sneak peek

Excited to share a sneak peek of the upcoming Nonconform publication catalogue release and virtual online exhibition…more to come soon!  #VirtualSPAR#museumofnonconformistart#tomkotik#evgenyfiks#andréastanislav#dimitripilikin#alenalevina#iliasymphocat#lyudmilabelova#saintpetersburgartresidency#russianstudiesworkshop#anastasiapatsey#eskenazischoolofartarchitecturedesign

What is / Что такое NONCONFORM?

NONCONFORM — результат сотрудничества Музея нонконформистского искусства, Семинара исследований России и Школы искусств, архитектуры и дизайна Эскенази Индианского университета. Проект посвящен исследованию…

Дворец культуры / Palace of Culture

Пространством для выставки станет выдуманный дом культуры на ледяном острове, созданный на платформе Mozilla Hubs. Проекты художников будут представлены в разных частях…

Художники / Artists

Людмила Белова — художник и куратор, занимается видео- и аудио-артом, живописью, фотографией. Исследует темы памяти, пространства и времени, влияние новых технологий на…

Red Star, The Wishing Machine, and Troika by Andréa Stanislav

Before I traveled to Russia, I was not aware of Nonconformist Art. Arriving at Pushkinskaya-10, I immediately felt a connection to the…

Radio Leningrad – Forget Your Past

#VirtualSPAR residency studio visit…”Radio Leningrad – Forget Your Past” time to refocus on the production of my upcoming multimedia installation via the lens…

Nonconformism without Shores by Yevgeniy Fiks

Historically, when Soviet nonconformist art is being discussed, people mean art produced outside of the official Soviet art system, outside the state-sponsored…

Bingo: Before Art by Alena Levina

My project for an online residency is called “Bingo: Before Art”. The project is dedicated to the invisible work of the artist,…

Memory upgrade by Liudmila Belova

My project “Memory Upgrade” (“Апргейд памяти”) consists of 5 video interviews. All of the interviewees are eyewitnesses and participants of the processes…