Why Have There Been No Great Women Artists?

Why Have There Been No Great Women Artists? (in first after war decades in Soviet Union) – this is one of the…

Five Minute Time Machine

Main photo: Discussion at the exhibition “Surikov, 31”. 1987. by A. Shaburov I am writing about the exhibitions of Sverdlovsk (now Ekaterinburg),…

Compounding memory

I first visited Leningrad with my family when I was fourteen. The light seemed different, the defiantly-broad officers uniform caps adorned with…

Some questions I am posing to myself as I write on reflections and memory of Leningrad and the superimpositions of St Petersburg.

How can memory be reconciled with absence and change? How can we approach memory of the familiar from the past superimposed with…

The Interview with Boris Kazakov by M. Stebackov. Part 4/4

The Interview was recorded on the 2nd of August in 2022 at Boris Kazakov’s place.

Welcome to Season 7: Nonconform 2.0

The new season at #VirtualSPAR continues the exploration of unofficial culture of the Soviet period from various perspectives. The Nonconform 2.0 is…

The Interview with Boris Kazakov by M. Stebackov. Part 3/4

The Interview was recorded on the 2nd of August in 2022 at Boris Kazakov’s place.

Down the rabbit hole OR If Lenin is a mushroom, then…

Since 2018, I’ve been working on a multimedia project that considers the physical remains of Vladimir Lenin (including statues as well as…

The Interview with Boris Kazakov by M. Stebackov. Part 2/4

The Interview was recorded on the 2nd of August in 2022 at Boris Kazakov’s place.

The Interview with Boris Kazakov by M. Stebackov. Part 1/4

The Interview was recorded on the 2nd of August in 2022 at Boris Kazakov’s place.

Off Nevsky Prospekt by Barbara Hazard

As part of Nonconform 2.0 Reading List programme we invite you to travel 30 years back and read the book Off Nevsky…